Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Project #2 Exterior photographs: Capturing the city and the land.

Art 80: Elements of Photography
Spring, 2014
Instructor: Nicole Sloan
Classroom: LAC-K135
Email: nsloan@lbcc.edu
Tuesday, 6:30 pm - 9:40 pm
Long Beach City College

Project #2
Exterior photographs: Capturing the city and the land.

Composing in camera for photographing cityscapes and landscapes
  1. Using your understanding of camera function, abstraction and your unique point of view - go outside and photograph urban areas as well as locations where nature is prevalent (cityscapes and landscapes).

    Photograph areas that are important to you, and that show your unique perspective. Pay attention to composition, your intention with the image, and the conception framework behind creating the image. It is okay to photograph from up close, or far away. This is our second project, so please think about what is interesting to you as an individual.

    What to bring on critique day: 2 photographs of landscapes, and 2 photographs of cityscapes. All images need to be 8x10 inches or larger (you may want to select 8x12 inches with your printer for crop factor). Please arrive early to install your work. Grading will be based on composition, content, execution of idea and class participation.

    Helpful tips: Your ISO should be set to 100 or 200. F-stop (AV) and shutter speed (TV) are up to you, but I would suggest starting at F-stop 8 and working your way up to F-22 (optimal focus).

Selected Student Work from Project #1: Photographing the world from a different point of view.

Selected Student Work from Project #1 Photographing the world from a different point of view.